Developer guide


To install the required dependencies in Debian run:

$ apt-get install python3-apt lsb-release

It is recommended to install SatNOGS Config in a virtualenv. The virtualenv needs to have access to system Python bindings. To create the virtualenv, you can use virtualenvwrapper. On the first time, create the virtualenv by running:

$ mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages -a . satnogs-config

To activate the virtualenv after it is created run:

$ workon satnogs-config

To install SatNOGS Config for development run in the project root directory:

$ pip install -e .


This project uses python-dotenv. Configuration of satnogsconfig/ can be overridden by setting the respective environment variables or an .env file placed on the project root directory.


SatNOGS Config functionality can be extended by implementing additional helpers. The helpers are used to enhance menu functionality beyond the core function of generating a YAML file for Ansible.

Modifying the menu

The menu itself is also expressed in YAML format. The menu structure is defined in menu.yml file and shipped along with the package.

Code Quality Assurance

The following code quality assurance tools are used in this project:

  • flake8

  • isort

  • yapf

  • pylint


tox is used to automate development tasks. To install tox run:

$ pip install tox

To execute the default list of tasks run:

$ tox


The following tox environments are available:

  • flake8 - Check code for common errors, coding style and complexity

  • isort - Check code for correct imports order

  • isort-apply - Sort imports

  • yapf - Check code for correct formatting

  • yapf-apply - Reformat source code

  • pylint - Execute static code analysis

  • build - Build source and binary distributions

  • upload - Upload source and binary distributions to PyPI

  • docs - Build documentation

To execute a single environment run:

$ tox -e <environment>