Source code for satnogsconfig.helpers.satnogssetup

satnogs-setup module
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path

import satnogsconfig.settings as settings

def get_package_version(package_name):
    Get installed version of the given package

    :return: Version of the given package
    :rtype: str
        result =
            "dpkg-query --show -f='${{Version}}' {}".format(package_name),
        return result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() or 'unknown'
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        return 'unknown'

[docs]class SatnogsSetup(): """ Interract with satnogs-setup """ def __init__(self): """ Class constructor """ self._satnogs_stamp_dir = settings.SATNOGS_SETUP_STAMP_DIR self._satnogs_upgrade_script = settings.SATNOGS_SETUP_UPGRADE_SCRIPT
[docs] @staticmethod def restart(boot=False): """ Restart satnogs-setup script :param boot: Whether to bootstrap or not :type boot: bool, optional """ if boot: os.execlp('satnogs-setup', 'satnogs-setup', '-b') else: os.execlp('satnogs-setup', 'satnogs-setup')
@property def is_applied(self): """ Check whether configuration has been applied :return: Whether configuration has been applied :rtype: bool """ install_stamp_path = Path(self._satnogs_stamp_dir).joinpath( settings.SATNOGS_SETUP_INSTALL_STAMP ) if install_stamp_path.exists(): with'r') as file: contents = if contents: return False return True return False @is_applied.setter def is_applied(self, install): """ Mark that configuration has been applied :param install: Configuration has been installed :type install: bool """ install_stamp_path = Path(self._satnogs_stamp_dir).joinpath( settings.SATNOGS_SETUP_INSTALL_STAMP ) if install:'w').close() else: try: install_stamp_path.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass @property def tags(self): """ Get satnogs-setup tags :return: Set of tags :rtype: set """ tags_path = Path(self._satnogs_stamp_dir ).joinpath(settings.SATNOGS_SETUP_INSTALL_STAMP) if tags_path.exists(): with'r') as file: contents = if contents: return set(contents.split(',')) return None @tags.setter def tags(self, tags): """ Set satnogs-setup tags :param tags: List of tags :type tags: list """ if self.tags: new_tags = self.tags.copy() else: new_tags = set() new_tags.update(tags) tags_path = Path(self._satnogs_stamp_dir ).joinpath(settings.SATNOGS_SETUP_INSTALL_STAMP) if tags_path.exists(): with'w') as file: file.write(','.join(new_tags))
[docs] def upgrade_system(self): """ Upgrade system packages """ try: self._satnogs_upgrade_script, shell=True, check=True ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: sys.exit(1)
@property def satnogs_client_ansible_version(self): """ Get installed SatNOGS Client Ansible version :return: Version of SatNOGS Client Ansible :rtype: str """ try: result = 'cd "$HOME/.satnogs/ansible"' '&& TZ=UTC ' 'git show -s --format=%cd --date="format-local:%Y%m%d%H%M"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True ) return result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() or 'unknown' except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return 'unknown' @property def satnogs_client_version(self): """ Get installed SatNOGS Client version :return: Version of SatNOGS Client :rtype: str """ try: result = "/var/lib/satnogs/bin/pip show satnogs-client 2>/dev/null" " | awk '/^Version: / { print $2 }'", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True ) return result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() or 'unknown' except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return 'unknown' @property def gr_satnogs_version(self): """ Get installed gr-satnogs version :return: Version of gr-satnogs :rtype: str """ return get_package_version('gr-satnogs') @property def satnogs_flowgraphs_version(self): """ Get installed satnogs-flowgraphs version :return: Version of satnogs-flowgraphs :rtype: str """ return get_package_version('satnogs-flowgraphs') @property def gr_soapy_version(self): """ Get installed gr-soapy version :return: Version of gr-soapy :rtype: str """ return get_package_version('gr-soapy') @property def gnuradio_version(self): """ Get installed gnuradio version :return: Version of gr-soapy :rtype: str """ return get_package_version('gnuradio')